Supporting the free shipment of waste within the EU

At 2GCPR, we recognize the urgent need to simplify EU waste transfer regulations. The path to circularity and emission neutrality goals for 2050 is challenging and will require combined efforts across the industry.

The current regulation presents significant barriers to plastic waste recycling, leading to excess waste being sent to landfills and incineration. The complexities of waste transport within the EU have resulted in considerable delays, hindering recycling efforts.

“At 2GCPR, we have always advocated for smoother and less restrictive regulations. We firmly believe in the power of recycling and the circular economy, and we support any initiative that facilitates this path,” says our CEO.

A review of the regulations should aim to keep waste within the EU, harmonizing administrative measures and accelerating the pre-consent procedure to enable plastic waste to be quickly sent to certified recycling facilities.

This would pave the way for a single waste market in the EU, an essential first step to achieving lasting change and accelerating the transition to a circular plastics economy.